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Based on your zodiac sign, which campus RU?

Figure out what campus calls to you based on your astrological element. – Photo by

Rutgers—New Brunswick is home to five unique campuses, and if you know anything about astrology, you know there are also four elements encompassing the 12 zodiac signs. Luckily, there's a campus that perfectly matches a corresponding element.

So, if you want to find the campus that you belong to based on your element, look no further!

Fire signs — College Avenue campus

The clearest choice in this list is that fire signs belong to the College Avenue campus. This campus embodies and represents everything that fire signs are. Their passionate spirits and spontaneity go beautifully with the chaos of this campus.

If you're a fire sign, you'll likely feel most at home on the College Avenue campus. For the Sagittarius that loves trying new things, there are dozens of incredible restaurants serving a variety of cuisines for you never to grow tired of. Bold Leo will most certainly feel like the main character walking through Voorhees Mall, and the campus offers plenty of activities for high-energy Aries.

And, of course, most fire signs love to party and socialize and you’ll find no issue searching for that on this campus.

Earth signs — Busch

Being the most practical of the signs, I had to place Earth on Busch campus. Busch is known for its emphasis on STEM classes, which matches perfectly with the no-nonsense logical nature of earth signs.

If you're a Virgo, there's a good chance you're already a STEM major, which means most of the classes you take will be on this campus. For a Taurus who prefers calmer, quieter settings to come home to, Busch campus is pretty peaceful because everyone is constantly studying. And Capricorns will appreciate the hard-working energy of this campus' students.

Water signs — Cook and Douglass campuses

Though intuitively, we may all think that Earth signs belong here, in terms of personality, water signs are best suited for the Cook and Douglass campuses. These three signs tend to be stereotyped as a bit sensitive and the most emotional of the zodiac. If you're a water sign overwhelmed by the chaos of life, what better campus to call home than Cook campus, which is set in nature?

Pisces have an escapist nature about them, meaning that a walk to the quiet of the Kissing Bridge, also known as the Ravine Bridge, on Douglass campus, makes for the perfect activity while they ponder their day.

The Cook and Douglass campuses are the perfect place to make a home at Rutgers, meaning that family-oriented and home-loving Cancer will be able to build their community here. Tons of clubs also meet at these campuses, meaning they'll be able to find their people easily.

Lastly, every Scorpio I've ever met has been an incredibly intense thinker, so what's better for them than sitting by Passion Puddle on Douglass campus with their thoughts or maybe a journal to express them?

Air signs — Livingston campus

Air signs are the knowledge seekers of the zodiac, and Livingston campus, with its variety of fascinating subjects and classes, is the perfect place to explore and learn fun facts.

Gemini, being a social butterfly, will love Livingston campus for the social opportunities it provides as the campus is pretty lively during the week. The Livingston Dining Commons is the perfect place to meet up with friends as it has the best food and the friendliest atmosphere of all the dining halls.

Libra, being the most organized of the air signs, will appreciate the structure of Livingston campus. And since they also appreciate aesthetics, they’ll love how the Plaza and the Rutgers Business School look at night.

And while Livingston campus can be quite social during the school week, there are a lot of private areas perfect for the introspection that Aquarius craves. Also, there's a bit of modern art near the library and by Lucy Stone Hall that creative Aquarius will have a great time exploring.

Whether you live on the campus that I assigned you, I hope you agree that it at least speaks to you. Maybe it's not your home base, but next time you're looking for an escape from classes or a new place to study, try hanging out on the campus that matches your element. It may just be the perfect campus to live on next year!

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