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Spring Break 2024: Safety tips for struggle-free spring break travel

Don't get caught up in the excitement of spring break — remember these tried and true tips! – Photo by Franky Tan

Spring break is upon us, and everyone has their travel plans all mapped out. You may have packed your bags and booked your hotels, but, more than anything, it's important to stay safe.

Whether you're planning to visit a new country or party with friends close to home, things can quickly get out of hand. Here are some important safety tips to help you make the most of your break while staying out of any danger!

Share your location

No matter where you're going for spring break, it's crucial to have someone know where you are at all times. Sharing your location with your friends is a great way to ensure someone can find you in case of an emergency. If you have an iPhone, you can easily do this through the Find My app in just a few simple steps.

If you don't have an iPhone or you're looking for a different way to share your location, there are other apps available. One of the most popular alternatives is Life360, which also includes the unique feature of alerting your friends when your phone battery gets low. This app is available on both iPhone and Android phones, so if you're traveling with a large group, this might be your best option.

It's best to share your location in advance instead of scrambling to get it done in an emergency. Make sure no one gets left behind!

Protect your belongings

If you plan to travel abroad, you may have learned some of the language and memorized the layout of the city that you're visiting, but once you get there, there are still some potential problems you might run into. One such issue is pickpocketing — tourists are often targeted for this crime, as they might be unaware of their surroundings. 

Thankfully, there are many ways to avoid being subjected to this — one way is to invest in some equipment to keep your personal belongings safe. To keep your phone protected, you should consider purchasing a phone tether. This handy tool helps you keep your phone securely attached to your body, so someone isn't able to easily grab it out of your pocket. 

You can also invest in an anti-theft travel bag specially designed to protect anything you need to carry with you while you're out and about on your trip. 

Stay hydrated

If you're visiting a warmer climate or planning to drink a lot of alcohol, staying hydrated is essential to keeping your body safe and healthy. Drinking a sufficient amount of water can help you avoid heat stroke and hangovers, but it's also just good for your general health.

One way to ensure you stay hydrated is to bring a reusable water bottle with you when you travel. If you're worried about the safety of the tap water where you're going, you can even buy water bottles with filters from companies such as LifeStraw and Brita.

If your spring break plans revolve around going out to bars, there are also a few rules to keep in mind when it comes to hydration: Drink water before you go out, have one glass of water for each alcoholic beverage you drink and make sure you drink water once you get home.

Know how to contact emergency services

911 is the standard emergency number across the U.S. — it's simple and easy to remember. But every country has its own unique number and protocol for dealing with emergencies and it can quickly get overwhelming. If you find yourself in an emergency situation while traveling, you need to know what number to call for help. 

Luckily, the U.S. Department of State has prepared a handy list, complete with the emergency numbers for medical services, as well as fire and police departments in most countries. To make sure you're ready to call if needed, it's best for you to memorize these numbers or even save them in your contact list before you leave for your trip.

Stick together

It might sound cliché, but sticking to a buddy system is an effective way to ensure that everyone in your spring break group is safe. 

This is a pretty simple guideline to implement — most of us perfected it in preschool. Make sure you never stray from your group of friends and assign everyone a "buddy" to guarantee everyone is always accounted for. 

By following these tips, you're likely to have a fun and safe spring break. But there are always those scenarios you can't plan for — stay alert!

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