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BeRuined: Newest update confuses users

BeReal's newest update has divided users, sparking discussions on TikTok. – Photo by TikTok

BeReal is a social media platform that sets out to do exactly what its name suggests: let its users "be real." At any random time of the day, a BeReal notification will go off with bright yellow caution emojis, alerting users that it's "Time to BeReal." Then, users must take a front and back-facing picture of what they're doing at that exact moment within 2 minutes.

It's an enjoyable, personal way to interact with friends and catch a glimpse of seemingly dull moments of their lives. Something about looking through shots of a mid-laundry flick, a stealthy in-class picture or someone cheffing it up in their kitchen feels refreshingly unfiltered and, one might dare to say, real!

One might hope that BeReal continues to avoid the pitfalls of other social media platforms that have succumbed to prioritizing profit over genuine authenticity. But the app might be diving headfirst into dangerous waters with its recent update.

Many people have embraced previous new features, like the ability to post up to three pictures in one day — but only if the first one is posted on time. While it may disrupt the harmony of having a single designated time to bring everyone together, users have still found enjoyment in sharing additional updates with their friends.

But many users just can't seem to get behind the newest addition to the app — celebrities and brands. A tab shows up in the middle of the feed, and their profiles show up as "RealPeople" or "RealBrands." Users have the option to follow them or tag them in their own posts.

On its TikTok page, the BeReal team worked hard to build anticipation and get people riled up for the new feature. Users were already disgruntled by the excessive promotion of the brand — the new, anticlimactic update only fueled their dissatisfaction.

BeReal's TikTok comment sections have been flooded with disappointment, with many deeming this the app's worst addition yet. The app is losing its integrity and straying from its original point, transforming into just another generic social media platform.

Even after the team's clarification that this update is an optional feature, users retaliated, arguing that such a feature should never have been made in the first place. The somewhat mocking tone from the company didn't help either.

TikToker user @butthatsmyopinion delved into the speculation of BeReal's new feature. They discussed the uproar among users in the comment sections and questioned the purpose of incorporating an update that incorporated "soulless corporation(s)."

One interesting observation he made was regarding BeReal's initial TikTok bio: "No filters, no followers, no ads, no bullsh*t. Just your friends, for real."

The new feature seems to contradict everything mentioned in that statement. This inconsistency hasn't gone unnoticed too, as displayed in BeReal's freshly updated bio, which now simply reads, "It's Time to BeReal."

BeReal stood on a social media pedestal for maintaining that casual, authentic element that only your closest friends can cultivate. Yet, with the recent changes, people have doubts about its commitment to preserving this unique atmosphere.

BeReal has become increasingly commercialized, with the influx of outer marketable sources shattering the intimate bubble. Some even say that once posting at any time became allowed, the authenticity was already far gone.

Other users have adopted a more positive outlook, seeing the new update as an opportunity to connect with their idols.

But for many, this update may just be the last straw.

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